If you’re planning to get a DEXA scan to measure your body composition, you may be wondering if it’s okay to exercise beforehand. The short answer is: it’s best to avoid exercising right before your scan for the most accurate results. Let’s dive into why that is and explore some key things to know about preparing for your DEXA scan.

What is a DEXA Scan?

Before we get into the exercise question, let’s quickly review what a DEXA scan is. DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) is considered the gold standard for measuring body composition. It uses low-dose x-rays to precisely measure your body fat, lean muscle mass, and bone density. 

At DXA Body Composition NC in Durham, we use state-of-the-art DEXA technology to provide our clients with highly accurate and detailed body composition analysis. This information can be invaluable for tracking fitness progress, optimizing nutrition plans, and assessing overall health.

Why Avoid Exercising Before a DEXA Scan?

While exercise is generally great for your health, it can temporarily impact your body in ways that may slightly skew DEXA scan results. Here’s why:

Dehydration: Intense exercise causes fluid loss through sweat. Even mild dehydration can affect the accuracy of body composition measurements.

Blood flow changes: Exercise increases blood flow to muscles. This temporary boost in muscle volume could potentially lead to a slight overestimation of lean mass.

Glycogen depletion: Workouts deplete glycogen (stored carbohydrates) in muscles. Since glycogen holds water, this depletion can affect hydration levels and lean mass measurements.

Elevated metabolism: Your metabolic rate remains elevated for some time after exercise, which could impact the scan’s calculations.

To get the most accurate snapshot of your true body composition, it’s best to come to your scan in a rested, normally hydrated state.

How Long Before a DEXA Scan Should I Avoid Exercise?

For optimal results, we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours before your DEXA scan. Light activity like walking is generally fine, but skip the intense workouts, heavy lifting, or endurance training the day before and the day of your scan.

Other Pre-Scan Preparation Tips

Avoiding exercise isn’t the only thing to keep in mind when preparing for your DEXA scan. Here are some additional tips to ensure you get the most accurate results:

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to your scan, but avoid excessive fluid intake right before the appointment.

Wear comfortable clothing: Choose form-fitting, metal-free clothing like yoga pants and a sports bra or compression shorts. Avoid clothing with zippers, buttons, or other metal components.

Remove jewelry and metal objects: Take off watches, belts, glasses, and any other metal items before the scan.

Maintain consistent timing: If you’re getting repeat scans to track progress, try to schedule them at similar times of day for the most accurate comparisons.

Avoid calcium supplements: Don’t take calcium supplements for 24 hours before your scan, as they can interfere with the results.

Benefits of DEXA Scans for Fitness and Health

Now that we’ve covered how to prepare, let’s talk about why DEXA scans are so valuable. Here are just a few ways DEXA body composition analysis can benefit you:

  • Precise fat loss tracking: See exactly where you’re losing fat and gaining muscle, beyond what the scale tells you.
  • Identify muscle imbalances: Discover if you have strength disparities between your left and right sides or upper and lower body.
  • Assess visceral fat: Measure the dangerous fat around your organs, which is linked to various health risks.
  • Monitor bone health: Track your bone density over time to catch and address any concerning trends early.
  • Optimize nutrition and training: Use your detailed body composition data to fine-tune your diet and workout plans for better results.
  • Motivate and set goals: Having accurate, comprehensive data about your body can be incredibly motivating and help you set realistic, achievable fitness goals.

Benefits of DEXA Scans for Fitness and Health

Why Choose DXA Body Composition NC?

If you’re in the Durham, NC area and interested in getting a DEXA scan, we’d love to help you at DXA Body Composition NC. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • State-of-the-art DEXA technology for the most accurate results
  • Experienced technicians who ensure proper positioning and scan quality
  • Detailed reports with easy-to-understand explanations of your results
  • Personalized consultations to help you interpret your data and set goals
  • Flexible scheduling to accommodate your busy life
  • A commitment to providing a comfortable, professional experience

Schedule Your DEXA Scan Today

Understanding your body composition is a powerful tool for improving your health and fitness. By following the preparation guidelines we’ve discussed – including avoiding exercise before your scan – you’ll ensure you get the most accurate, useful results from your DEXA scan.

Ready to gain valuable insights into your body composition? Contact DXA Body Composition NC today to schedule your DEXA scan appointment in Durham. Our friendly team is here to answer any questions you may have and help you take the next step on your health and fitness journey.

Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – get the precise data you need to optimize your nutrition, fine-tune your workouts, and achieve your health goals. Book your DEXA scan online with DXA Body Composition NC and discover what your body is really made of!